If you are having issues accessing any portion of the content or functionality in our website, please contact us at ADAteam@cogs.us or 970-384-6441.

Accessibility Policy

The City of Glenwood Springs ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and reasonably provides: translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids, and services. To request these services, email ADAteam@cogs.us or call 970-384-6441. Please submit requests as soon as possible but no later than three business days (Monday-Thursday, excludes holidays) before scheduled events.

Póliza de Accesibilidad

La Ciudad de Glenwood Springs garantiza un acceso significativo a los programas, servicios y actividades de la Ciudad para cumplir con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) y proporciona razonablemente: traducción, interpretación, modificaciones, adaptaciones, formatos alternativos, ayudas auxiliares y servicios. Para solicitar estos servicios, envíe un correo electrónico a ADAteam@cogs.us o llame al 970-384-6441. Favor de enviar solicitudes lo antes posible pero no más tardar tres días hábiles (de lunes a jueves, excepto festivos) antes de los eventos programados.

Social Pinpoint is committed to creating meaningful web products that can be used by all users, regardless of their ability or circumstance. We endeavour to make our web products as accessible as possible and follow the WCAG Guidelines to guide us on creating compliant outputs. Our current target is Level AA compliance.